1 Know The Real India: Rakshabandhan
2 RKD News: R K Dewan & Co. successfully restrains the infringers on behalf of Innovations Garment Private Limited.
3 Celebrations: Dr. Mohan Dewan invited as a distinguished speaker by the CCLEA & ICAI Dr. Mohan Dewan invited as a distinguished speaker by
the GIPC R K Dewan & Co. at the Alternate Dispute Resolution Association, UPES, Dehradun
4 Perplex
5 International Patents: A bow to Bowser while passing a fuel pump along the roadside
6 International

Stories behind Brands – Cheetos Flamin’ Hot From Janitor to a Visionary Leader
Cover Story
Know The Real
Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi or Rakri, is a joyous festival celebrated by Hindus worldwide to honour the bond of love between brothers and sisters.
The term ‘Raksha Bandhan’ which literally means “safety” and “bond” implies to ‘the knot of protection’ and celebrates the unique bond between a brother and his sister.

The festival is celebrated on a full moon day in the holy Hindu luni-solar month of Shravana. Although the festival is traditionally commemorative of the deep love and respect that brothers and sisters share, the significance of this holiday goes beyond biological relationships, as it brings together people of all genders, religions, and ethnic backgrounds to celebrate various forms of platonic love.

7 India Trademarks Stories behind Brands – TATA SUMO Honouring the Visionary
8 Snips and Specs Hidden Meanings in Trademarks Hidden Gems of India: Diskit Monastery
9 RKDecodes Decoding Delicious
Delicacies – Undhiyu
In the spirit of this occasion, let us explore the festival’s origins and understand its resonance with people from all walks of life.


Raksha Bandhan is a festival celebrated since antiquity and here are some of the popular stories associated with the festival.

The roots of Raksha Bandhan trace back to ancient India, with the earliest known account nestled, in the Hindu epic of Mahabharata. Within this epic, an interwoven thread connects to the moment when Lord Krishna, in advertently cut his finger. Draupadi, after witnessing this, wraps a piece of her saree around his hand. Deeming the cloth she tied to be a sacred thread; Krishna promises to protect her from allevils throughout his life. Bound by this promise, Lord Krishna came to Draupadi’s rescue when the Kauravas attempted to dishonour her in their court room.

This act of Draupadi mirrors the core concept of Raksha Bandhan, where a thread signifies the beginning of a platonic relationship between two individuals which is then honoured through out their lives.

Another legend from the Bhagavat Puran and Vishnu Puran narrates the story following Lord Visnu’s conquest of the three worlds from King Bali. The tale unfolds with Lord Vishnu’s descent to Earth, requested by King Bali to defend his kingdom. This caused a cosmic havoc, as there was no Vishnu in Vaikunta to preserve the universe. Hence, Goddess Laxmi decided to go to King Bali’s palace donning the guiseof a yogini. After tying a rakhi, she requests the return of Lord Vishnu, which King Balipromptly agrees to.

Cover Story
A common ritual of tilakis largely followed throughout the country. It involves applying a sacred paste to the brother’s forehead, followed by an Aarti. A Rakhi isthen tied around the brother’s wrist, after which the brother gives his sister a gift and promises to look out for her well-being.

A different custom is followed amongst the Rajasthani and Marwari communities pertaining to rakhi. The custom involves wrapping a “Lumba Rakhi” around the wrist of the brother’s spouse. This customis based on the idea that the ceremony would not be complete without the wife’s involvement, given her position in the household as the better half of the brother. This ritual makes her and her husband jointly responsible for taking care of the sister. Other Indian cultures are starting to adopt this practise as well.

In the southern India, Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as Avani Avittam.

Scholars also begin the reading of the massive Yajur Veda on this day. In many parts of India, the farmer community attaches special significance to the Shravani ceremony that takes place on Rakhi Purnima. This day marks the beginning of the sowing season for wheat and barley, making it very important for farmers.

Women bring soil from the fields in leaf cups and sow barley in them. Houses are cleaned with mud and cow dung and then decorated.

The decorations are related to household chores and articles. Rice solution is used for drawing art on the house entrances as well; the leaf cups are then worshiped. The celebrations go on for a week, at the end of which, women observe fasts and pray for the welfare of their children.

States like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Goa mark the festival of Rakhi through the celebration of Nariyal Purnima. Since the fishing industry is the primary source of income for the local population and the monsoon season heavily impacts fish and sea water, Nariyal Purnima becomes even more celebrated in the fishing community.

This celebration owes its origins to a legend of Lord Varuna. According the legend, a drought in Maharashtra caused major distress to the people. On praying to Lord Varuna they were blessed with life-giving rain, ending the drought. Thankful for Lord Varuna’s blessings, started celebrating the festival of Nariyal Purnima as a day of gratitude and worship, accompanied with festivities at water fronts, offerings of coconuts to Lord Varuna and ceremonial bathing rituals.

There are several trademarks which have been filed as well as have been granted registration which include the word “rakhi” within them such as, CHITRARAKHI, SHAGUN FANCY RAKHI,

Rakhi Trademark Examples

Additionally, one may also come acrosstrade marks like RAKSHA BANDHAN, HAPPY RAKSHA BANDHAN, RAKSHABANDHAN.COM being registered.registered in respect of jewellery, cosmetics, leather goods, clothing apparel, transportation services and even tobacco products; although names offestivals and words having religious significance should not be registered as trademarks.

Furthermore, there are several pending and/or registered trademarks in class 14, where the description of goods includeswords such as ‘rakhis’, ‘imitation jewellery’, ‘wooden bead bracelets’, ‘bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]’ and even‘ jeweller yornaments’ in respect of which the trademark is intended to be used for rakhis. One may also come across other applications using blanket terms such as ‘bracelets’ and ‘decorative bands’toregister their trademarks in respect ofrakhis.

The title of the invention was “multipurpose wearable article” as per the application and the applicant was seeking to have durable and convertible rakhis which could also be used as a fashion accessory depending on the requirements of the user.

As seen from above, the festival of Raksha Bandhan brings love, joy and opportunities for all. It has changed and morphed itself to walk abreast changing times. The same is evident from the patent and trademark applications pertaining to the new-age rakhiand the changing traditions and rituals to include all within its ambit.
RKD News
R K Dewan & Co. successfully restrains the infringers on behalf of Innovations Garment Private Limited
Recently, Innovations Garment Private Limited (Innovations Garment) represented by R K Dewan & Co., was successful in obtaining an ex-parte injunction restraining the infringer, Harshaben Vijaybhai Shah, sole proprietor of M/s Royal Uniform (Defendant) from in fringing their registered trademark as well as infringing their copyright rights in the said work in a suit filed before Hon’ble Bombay High Court.

Innovations Garment is a well-established company, engaged in manufacturing and selling of clothing apparels, ready-to-wear clothing / garments, uniforms.

The mark trademark as well as infringing their copyright rights in the said work in a suit filed before Hon’ble Bombay High Court.

Innovations Garment is a well-established company, engaged in manufacturing and selling of clothing apparels, ready-to-wear clothing / garments, uniforms. The mark trademark was adopted and used openly, continuously, and extensively used by Innovations Garment in respect of the said goods since several years.

In February 2018, Innovations Garment and the infringer had entered into a Vendorship Agreement for selling garments and other accessories bearing the said trade mark at Rajkot, Gujarat. In April 2020, the Innovations Garment learnt that the Defendant was manufacturing and selling counter feit goods bearing Innovations Garment’s registered trademark illegally and without any authorization.

After being confronted, the Defendant halted the manufacture and sale of the said counterfeit goods.

However, in July 2023, Innovations Garment came across similar counterfeit goods bearing the said trade mark originating from the Defendant’s shop.

R K Dewan & Co. on behalf of InnovationsGarment approached the Bombay HighCourt, and filed a suit for trademark andcopyright infringement. The Hon’bleCourt granted an ex parte injunction,restraining the Defendants. The Courtfurther appointed a Ld. Court Receiver tosearch the premises of the Defendantand seize and seal all the infringingmaterial including cartons, dyes, moulds,printing equipment and material andany other material carrying the impugned trade mark found
in the Defendant’s premises.

The Court was pleased to appoint aCourt receiver to search all premises of the Defendants and seize and seal all the infringing material and any other material bearing the infringing mark. The Hon’ble Court also approved the appointment of Additional Special Receivers (ASR) to inspect, sign and make copies of account ledgers / cashbooks / accounts books, manufactureand / or import records pertaining to sales etc. of the infringing products, as discovered from the premises of the Defendants.

Shortly thereafter, in August 2023, the R K Dewan & Co. team assisted the ASR andthe Local Police to investigate and conduct smooth and successful raids at all thethree premises of the Defendants wherein counterfeit goods bearing the infringingmark were discovered which were seized and sealed by the ASR.

This case reflects R K Dewan’s expertise in taking swift and well-strategized actions which lead to timely and effective results.

Dr. Mohan Dewan invited as a distinguished speaker bythe CCLEA & ICAI


R K Dewan & Co. is delighted toshare that, recently Dr. MohanDewan was invited as adistinguished speaker to addressan online session;

as a part of a Certificate Course on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) laws organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and the Committee on Commercial Laws, Economic Advisory on August 18, 2023.

Dr. Dewan elucidated the participants of the course on Identifying and Recognizing IP & Development of Self IPR as well as spoke on the emerging issues in IPR.

The ICAI is a Statutory Body established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountancy in India. Forover 75 years of its existence, ICAI has achieved recognition as a premier Accounting Body not only in India but also globally.

The Committee on Commercial Laws, Economic Advisory & NPO Cooperative of ICAI, aims to undertake knowledge dissemination activities to technically equip / broaden the scope of expertise of its members to enable them to derive advantages in the rapidly changing scenario and enable them to render various business advisory and support services, to contribute to economic development of India.

R K Dewan & Co. is thankful to the Committee for its initiatives and looks forward to many more such events in the future for a better IPR aware world and society.

Dr. Mohan Dewan invited as a distinguished speaker by the GIPC


R K Dewan & Co. is delighted to share that, recently Dr. Mohan Dewan was invited as a distinguished speaker to address asession at the Automobile & IP Workshop organised by the Global IP Convention (GIPC) on August 19th, 2023 at the Hyatt, Pune.

Dr. Dewan elucidated the professionals, researchers and automotive enthusiasts in his session on “Counterfeiting of Auto-Parts” which included identification and solving of problems and practical strategies to take informed decisions and immediate actions. He further highlighted the emerging issues in IPR within the automotive landscape and the importance to study the same in order to foster innovation, growth and development.

R K Dewan & Co. is thankful to the GIPC for organizing this workshop and looks forward to many more such events in the future for a better IPR aware world and society.


Dehradun, as an institutional partner at “Madhyastham – UPES ADR Fest’ 23” in the months of August (25th-26th) and September (15th-16th).

This fest will witness two national competitions i.e. National Mediation and National Negotiation Competition.

R K Dewan & Co. at the Alternate Dispute Resolution Association, UPES, Dehradun


R K Dewan & Co. looks forward to collaborating for many more such events in the future for a better IPR& ADR Aware world and society.

The Alternate Dispute Resolution Association, UPES is constituted with the purpose to facilitate and promote alternate dispute resolution mechanisms and develop the skills required in Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation.

Fun Questions, shared by Philip Furgang

1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. Thesecond child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

02. There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

03. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, which was the highest mountain in the world?

04. What word in the English Language. is always spelled incorrectly?

05. Billy was born on December 28th, yet his birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible?

06. If you were running a race, and youpassed the person in 2nd place, whatplace would you be in now?

07. Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg are white” or “The yolk of the egg is white”?

  (Answers at the end of the Newsletter.)
International Patents
A bow to Bowser whilepassing a fuel pump alongthe roadside
Petrol pumps are also called ‘bowsers’ or petrol bowsers. In the UK, awater tanker is also called a water bowser. The Dictionary reveals that the word “bowser” is also a tanker containing fuel for aircraft, military vehicles and the like. No matter wherever the word is used, its origin is linked with the great inventor, Sylvanus Freelove Bowser of Fort Wayne, Indiana, who was born on August 8, 1854.
In 1880s, kerosene was a popular fuel and gasoline was considered to be a useless by-product of kerosene. It maybe noted that an automobile which could be driven for everyday use was invented in 1886 by the German inventor, Carl Benz, after he patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen.

The importance of gasoline was realized when automobiles became more refined over a period of time. However, measurement of fuel, whether kerosene / gasoline, was a problem. It was usually stored in barrels and poured into a container a customer brought in, using measuring cans. The fuel was poured into a fuel tank through a funnel lined with a cloth using the container ora measuring can. The process was not only cumbersome but fraught with risks.

Bowser invented a wooden plunger for drawing water from a well. He applied the principles of the wooden plunger to another device and created a kerosene pump in 1885. The pump was subsequently modified. The modification comprised placing a metal tank into a wooden container.

The system had a hand stroke lever which allowed pumping of the fuel. The pumps had air vents for safety. It also had stops which could deliver a pre-determined quantity of fuel. The icing on the cake was that there was also ahose for delivering fuel directly into the fuel tank of a vehicle. It was called a Bowser self-measuring gasoline storage pump. The 50-gallon metal storage tank, housed in a wooden cabinet, could be set up at the curb side in front of a store.

These pumps were sold to garages which in turn would facilitate fuel dispensation. The first outdoor gaspump or a filling station was made by Bowser in 1905.

From an inventor, Bowser grew to be an entrepreneur. He opened a company called S. F. Bowser & Company and its activity expanded to the measurement and handling of many commercial liquids.

Many branches were opened around the world, and bowser became a generic term for fuel dispensers, fuel tankers (especially on air fields) and for any kindof self-propelled liquid tanker with the ability to dispense fuel directly to consumers.

A Fort Wayne resident, Karl Detzer, born in 1891, wrote in his memoirs that there were three businesses in his town aknitting mill, a new shirtwaist factory and a new company that made “self-measuring pumps” for the new automobile trade which clearly highlights the fact that these pumpswere manufactured on a commercial scale and the town had gained prominence because of these pumps. The gasoline pump factory was set up in 1888 and the street was renamed as Bowser Avenue in 1914.

Bowser was a prolific inventor of his time and has many patents to his credit. The patents were not restricted only to pumps but were also related to many other products, some of which are mentioned here under.

A patent on measuring-pump, US480552, was granted on August 9, 1892 which was an improvement over his patent no. US 372250 granted on October 25, 1887. Patents were also granted to him for a heating device for storage tanks US784542 (1904), Massage apparatus US863143A (1904), pump operating means (1910), a soldering machine (1911), improvement in apparatus for measuring and delivering liquids GB191113572 (1912), adjustable pointer and stop for pumps, US 1137455(1912) and improvements to massage device (1933).

Thus, the foundation of the modern fuel pumps with a digital display, pump and a hose for loading fuel into a fuel tank of an automobile was laid by Sylvanus FBowser, for which we all remainindebted to him.

International Trademarks
Stories behind Brands-Cheetos Flamin’ Hot
From Janitor to a Visionary Leader

Brands are more than just a name or a logo; they embody a story and a legacy that have been built overtime. Behind every brand, there is arich history and a unique set of circumstances that have shaped its identity and contributed to its success. These background stories have become an integral part ofthe brand, and they serve as anessential tool for building brand loyalty and connecting withcustomers.

There are various brands that you think you know about, but do you really know them?

In the annals of business history, there are tales of individuals whose determination and innovative thinking have transformed

struggling companies into powerhouses. Richard Montañez isone such name, whose remark able journey from janitor to visionary leader not only saved Frito-Lay from bankruptcy but also revolutionized the snack industry with the creation of Flamin’ HotCheetos. His story is a testament to theperseverance, innovation, and power ofbelieving in one’s ideas.

In the early 1970s, Frito-Lay, the company that sells Cheetos, was facing direfinancial setbacks. The company was grappling with diminishing sales and needed a game-changer to stay a float. Enter Richard Montañez, a Mexican-American janitor working at the Frito-Layplant in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

While performing his janitorial duties, Montañez noticed a gap in the snack market. There were no products catering to the Hispanic (South American) community, a demographic with a strong affinity to spicy flavours. Inspired by his heritage and encouraged by an company initiative motto that urged employees to “act like an owner, “Montañez decided to take matters into his own hands.

Growing up in a Mexican-American household, Montañez was exposed to a rich and diverse culinary heritage. His family’s love for spicy and flavour fulfoods had a significant impact on his food preferences and culinary knowledge. This background inspired him to experiment with different seasonings and spices while developing the recipe for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. He purchased bags of unseasoned Cheetos and experimented with different mixes. Finally he mixed chili powder, garlic, salt, and other spices to a bag of Cheetos, the result was a fiery, flavourful snack that he believed could appeal to a wide audience.
Montañez’s journey was anything but easy. Armed with his spicy creation, he convinced local stores to carry his product. He even approached the then-CEO of Frito-Lay, Roger Enrico, with his idea during an unscheduled meeting. Enrico, impressed by Montañez’s passion and innovation, gave him two weeks to prepare a presentation for the company’s executives.

Montañez’s family understood the potential of his creation and the gap in the market that he aimed to address. They believed in his vision and encouraged him to pursue his

dreams, even when the odds were against him. Their unwavering support gave him the confidence to present his idea to Frito-Lay’s executives and advocate for the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

Despite his lack of formal education, Montañez meticulously researched business strategies and created an elaborate presentation. He drew inspiration from a book he found at the library and adapted its principles to his unique situation. When the day of the presentation arrived, Montañez used his homemade visuals and passionate storytelling to captivate the room.

The Flamin’ Hot Cheetos presentation left the executives astonished. The CEO recognized the potential of Montañez’s creation and decided to give it a shot. He ordered a small batch of Cheetos that Montañez created to be manufactured and distributed. It was named as the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos owing to its fiery flavour. However, very few of them were bought and the sun seemed to set on Montañez’s idea with the Flaming Hot Cheetos seeming like a swing and amiss.

However, on the news that his newly created spicy products were not selling well, Montañez soon noticed that there was no advertising for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and took matters into his own hands. Recognizing the potential of hiscreation and believing in its appeal, he adopted a proactive approach to promote the product and increase sales.

Montañez embarked on a grassroots marketing campaign, focusing on the community he knew best: the Hispanic population. He reached out to street vendors, mom-and-pop stores, and local markets to get Flamin’ Hot Cheetos onto their shelves.

Leveraging his background and understanding of his target audience’s preferences, he utilized word-of-mouth promotion and engaged directly with potential customers, creating a buzz around the new spicy snack

Montañez’s family was deeply involved in their local community, which became an invaluable asset when it came to promoting his product. They helped him organize events, distribute samples, and connect with local markets and vendors. Their connections with in the community facilitated the grass roots marketing campaign that played a pivotal role in Flamin’ Hot Cheetos’ initial success. He personally handed out samples of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to people and shared the story of how he came up with the idea. This personal touch and his genuine passion for the product resonated with consumers, gradually building a loyal customer base.

As a Mexican-American, Montañez’s family understood the cultural nuances and preferences of their community. This insight was crucial in tailoring his marketing approach and product promotion to resonate with the target audience. Their involvement ensured that his strategies were authentic and aligned with the cssommunity’s values.

By tapping into his community andrelying on grassroots marketingstrategies, Montañez managed togenerate interest in Flamin’ Hot Cheetos even in the absence of formal advertising.

His efforts ultimately led to increased sales and the product’s growing popularity, which caught the attention ofFrito-Lay’s executives and marked the beginning of the snack’s remark able success story.

Richard Montañez’s dedication and ingenuity did not go unnoticed. Herose through the ranks at Frito-Lay and Pepsi Co, eventually becoming a vice president of multicultural sales and marketing. He also received various awards for his contributions to the company and the community.

Perhaps the most significant recognition came in the form of a biographical movie about his life, which was announced in 2019.

The film, titled “Flamin’ Hot,” hit the theatres and highlighted Montañez’s inspiring journey and the impact he made on the snack industry.

Richard Montañez’s story is a remarkable testament to the power of perseverance, innovation, and the belief in one’s ideas. From humble beginnings as a janitor, he not only saved Frito-Lay from bankruptcy with his invention of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos but also redefined and diversified the snack industry. His journey is a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals facing challenges, reminding us that with determination and creative thinking, we can turn obstacles into opportunities and create a lasting impact on the world.

Stories behind Brands – TATA SUMO
Honouring the Visionary

Brands are more than just a name or a logo; they embody a story and a legacy that has been built over time. Behind every brand, there is a rich history and a unique set of circumstances that have shaped its identity and contributed to its success. These background stories become an integral part of the brand, and serve as essential tools for building brand loyalty. They serve as connecting bridges with customers. Thus to know the brand, it’s important to know their stories. In this article, we will betelling you unknown stories behind the known brands.

The story starts with Mr. Sumant Moolgaonkar, born in 1907, in Mumbai (then Bombay) India. He completed his early education in Pune and then pursued a degree in mechanical engineering from the College of Engineering, Pune (COEP). He completed his honours degree from the Imperial College of London in the year 1929.

Thereafter, he started working in C. P. cement works in 1930 and later joined Associate Cement Companies Limited in the year 1938.

He later joined the Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO) now called Tata Motors Industries as Director in charge and later became Vice-Chairman, Managing Director, and Chairman of TELCO. His work was soseminal in the organisation that he is referred to as the architect of TELCO

A very popular story of his meticulousness comes to mind at this juncture. All of Tata Motors’ top executives used to eat lunch together every day, with the exception of Sumant, who would abruptly leave during lunchand return to work hours later.

One day, while out at lunch time, they were shocked to see his car parked in front of a highway dhaba where he not only paid for the food but also kept himself occupied by chit-chatting with the truck drivers who were eating lunch there.

Moolgaokar did so as to understand the driver’s perspective, sought and received valuable input from them regarding the on-ground problems and lacunae in their vehicles. Later, after he analysed the problems and thought out the possible solutions, he would inform the R&D and design teams at Tata about the changes and modifications that could be done.

Moolgaonkar’s vision and strategic approach was instrumental in modernizing Tata Motors and expanding its product offerings. His efforts were particularly notable in the development of the Tata Sumo, a ground-breaking multi-purpose vehicle that catered to the diverse needs of Indian consumers.

The introduction of the Tata Sumo marked a significant milestone in the company’s journey and firmly established its presence in the Indian automotive market.

Sumant Moolgaonkar always stood out as a true trail blazer. He was a visionary leader and the driving force behind Tata Motors. His remarkable contributions not only transformed Tata Motors but also led to the creation of the iconic Tata Sumo.

As a testament to Sumant Moolgaonkar’s outstanding contributions, Tata Motors took an extraordinary step to recognize his work at TELCO. In a fitting tribute, the company named this multi-purpose vehicle after him – the Tata Sumo. This gesture not only honoured Moolgaonkar’s vision but also underscored his legacy as a driving for cebehind Tata Motors’ resurgence.

He was awarded Sir Walters Puckey Prizein the year 1967 and was also a posthumous awardee of the Padma Bhushan, which is the third-highest civilian honour by the Government of India in 1990.

Snips and Specs
Hidden Meanings in Trademarks- Kölner Zoo
Founded in 1860, the Kölner Zoo or the Cologne Zoological Garden isthe third oldest zoo in Germany. It houses over 10,000 animals of more than 850 species on more than 20 hectares of land. Along with an attached aquarium; the internationally renowned zoo also has an invertebrate exhibit which is active in preservational breeding ofanimals that are in danger of becoming extinct..

In addition, in-the-wild conservation efforts and research focussing on animals of Madagascar, Wallacea, and Vietnam are actively promoted and supported via cooperation with Cologne University and local projects, such as in the case of Przewalski’s horses.

However, did you know that, the German zoo’s logo features an elephant with astar for its eye? Also, in the negative space, you can spot a giraffe and a rhino as well as the two spires that are symbolic of the Cologne Cathedral.

Hidden Gems of India – Diskit Monastery

Situated at an altitude of 10,315 ft., the Diskit Monastery or Diskit Gompais the largest and oldest Buddhist monastery in the Nubra Valley, Ladakh, northern India. It was established in the 14th century by Changzem Tserab Zangpo, a follower of Tsong Khapa (the founder ofthe Gelugpa sect).

The monastery is situated on a hill above the right bank of the Shyok River in the Nubra Valley. Since the valley is situated at a lower altitude, the climate remains mild. The climatic conditions in Nubra have resulted in the growth of lush green vegetation in the valley and this area is referred to as the “Orchard of Ladakh”.

The Diskit monastery is located on a hill. One has to ascend the stone steps that lead to the monastery’s prayer hall. There are various depictions of fierce guardian divinities on the second floor of the monastery which also contains many Tibetan and Mongolian texts in the store house.

The monastery is connected to Mongol mythology which is believed to be the site where an anti-Buddhist Mongol demon once lived. The demon was killed near the gompa premises but is said to have been revived many times. The hand and head of the demon are believed to lie inside the monastery’s temple.

The 32 m Maitreya Buddha statue is situated on the hill top below the monastery overlooking the Shyok River. The statue was built in April 2006 and was honoured by Dalai Lama on July 2010. The statue was built from the revenue generated from local donations and was decorated with 8 kg of gold.

Festivals in the Monastery
Diskit Gompa hosts the renowned Dosmoche or Desmochhey festival in the month of February. Several villagers from nearby villages gather at the Diskit monastery to watch the Cham dance which is a mask dance performed by the monastery monks, depicting the superiority of good over evil.

Decoding Delicious Delicacies – Undhiyu

When it comes to food, the name of a dish holds meaning beyond just identification. The name of a dish can give insight into the history behind it, the ingredients used, or even the cultural significance it holds. In this series of blogs, we will explore the history behind famous Indian dishes.

Layered with the goodness of seasonal vegetables and spices secret to each family, Undhiyu, a regional specialty of Gujarat, is a signature mixed vegetable dish. Deriving its name from the Gujarati word ‘undhu’ which means upside down, the dish is traditionally slow cooked upside down, in an underground space with earthen pots (matlu) fired from above.

The taste of Undhiyu has a seasonal punch owing the presence freshness of the vegetables which are mixed with the smokiness of the earthen pot and the bio-fuel.

Undhiyu or Oondhiyu is awinter dish, which is especially made and consumed by Gujarati house holdsduring Uttarayan (the festival of kites).

It comprises 15 vegetables that are staple to the South Gujarat coastline and Surat, Navsari and Valsad regions, like potato, green plantain, purple yam (ratalu), green beans or new peas (typically used along with the tenderpod-surti papdi), small eggplants and the muthia (dumplings / fritters made with fenugreek leaves and spiced chickpea flour (besan either steamed or fried). This layered mixed vegetable casserole is garnished with chopped coriander leaves and lemon juice and served with puris or chapatis.

There are different variations of Undhiyu based on the region it is prepared as well as the availability of the ingredients. The differences are apparent in the use of slightly different ingredients. For instance, while the Palanpuri undhiyu is prepared with mustard oil, the Kathiyawadi undhiyu includes muthia which is a dumpling of wheat and spices, preparation of the Ahmedabad undhiyu is reddish and spicy while the Surti undhiyu which is served at weddings and banquets is green and sweeter.

Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the colour, texture and taste of undhiyu changes every 10 kilometres in Gujarat, all being equally delectable and complex.

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Quiz Answers:1) Johnny, of course; 2) Meat; , 3) Mt. Everest; it just wasn’t discovered yet; 4) Incorrectly 5) Billy lives in the Southern
Hemisphere; 6) You would be in 2nd. Well, you passed the person in second place, not first;
7) Neither, the yolk of the egg is yellow [Duh]
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